Solar lighting is most beneficial to locations that are frequently located in remote areas that often have no lighting, either because the lighting was not planned or because it is cost-prohibitive to run power to the remote site. The lack of adequate lighting often leaves such locations unsafe and dark areas discourage even the most avid patrons. Solar lighting is the best solution for the following organizations and locations.

- Park and Playgrounds
- Ride lot and Parking lot
- Street and Roadway
- Pathways and Trails
- Schools and Universities
- City, County, and State/Federal Governments
- Commercial and Industrial Application

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Commercial-quality and industrial-grade solar lighting can be installed on pathways, trails, walkways, parking lots, boat launches, playgrounds, retail properties, fuel stations, University campuses, corporate locations & entrances, and communities around the country. The stand-alone solar powered solutions are ideal for environmentally-sensitive locations and remote areas that often have no lighting, either because the lighting was not planned or because it is cost-prohibitive to run power lines. Solar lighting solutions provide safety and security to our society, while saving energy and protecting environment. We strive for providing dependable and affordable products to promote the Green Earth Movement.

In 2006 California made a major commitment to solar power by adopting the California Solar Initiative, a ten-year incentive program with the goal of installing 3,000 megawatts of solar power on the equivalent of one-million rooftops. This program continues the solar incentives started in 1998, but the long-term commitment to supporting solar will have a profound effect on the amount of solar installed.

Environmental and social benefits

In California, extensive use of Photovoltaic (PV) power will offset the need to build new natural gas–powered “peaker” electricity plants. These plants are designed to come online during the peak periods of energy demand (e.g. summer afternoons) in order to stabilize the electricity grid. The more PV systems are reducing the peak demand, the fewer peaker plants will be burning natural gas, which releases global-warming carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. On an annual “per kilowatt” basis, PV typically offsets or saves up to 16 kilograms of nitrous oxides (NOx), nine kilograms of sulfurous oxides (SOx), and 0.6 kilogram of other particulates. In addition, a typical 2.5kW residential PV system will offset 4,050 lbs. of CO2 per year. These savings, of course, vary depending on how much fossil fuel is used to produce local power, and the amount of sunlight falling in the area.

Events and Resources

California Solar Center -Web source for solar energy in California

Solar Power Conference & Expo 2008 - San Diego, California

Solar Electric Power Association

Northern California Solar Energy Association

American Solar Energy Society